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Submited : July 27, 2020
Published : July 27, 2020

Background and Objetive: A community which still performs a traditional ceremony called “Balia” can be
found in Balaora Village, In South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Although modern health services already exist, the
Balia is a tradition of To Kaili community in solving their health problem. Material and Method: The
method used is a systematic review of literature, a procedure performed by collect of information from
several related sources to study the topic, then cataloging and documentation. Results: As an example of
social behavior, when they suffer a disease, they prefer to visit a shaman rather than a medical doctor or
educated health professionals. Another fact is when the folks fail in curing their health problems by modern
health services, they will back to the traditional method such as a shaman or traditional herbs. Balia
ceremony had existed long time ago and it is believed to be beneficial to To Kaili. According to their belief,
the Balia ceremony is able to cast out evils in the human body. In a performance of the Balia Dance, all the
dancers and participants need to involve their soul and felling; the attention must be concentrated into the
ceremony.. Conclusion: The tradition of Balia as ancestral belief is believed to avoid all kinds of calamities
and healing media. Therefore, the community thinks that there is no harm to perform it. Therefore, the
tradition of Balia must be preserved and kept as an alternative for health problem of To Kaili in this modern

arwan, arwan, & pitriani, pitriani. (2020). SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS: BALIA LOCAL WISDOM AS A HEALTHY SOLUTION TO KAILI. Preventif : Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 8(2), 89-93. Retrieved from